Great War of Lordaeron Wiki

Age of Men'heva

Main Story[]

Warester Van Dam, Krasus and Hocus Snood journey into the wayward future to obtain the Ultimate Nullifier, a spell that could allow them to turn the tide against Men'heva. What they find is a bit more than they bargained for.

Other Stories[]


Sylvanas Windrunner's fateful quest to kill the rogue templar.

The Last Amani[]

The last member of the Amani tribe tries to get bring justice to those who would offend his god.

Untold Stories[]


Abiel Vraythan finds an odd book during his wizardry studies.


Jastor Gallywix decides to get himself a better lot in life.


Prince Arthas Menethil's pursuit of power and vengeance leads him on a dangerous path.


As Kul Tiras' independence crumbles, Princess Jaina Proudmoore must look elsewhere to resist the Prophet.

Operation: Gnomeregan[]

The Prophet places an order with the gnomes, with disastrous consequences.

Saving Private Sliverberg[]

The rebels try and find an old friend lost behind enemy lines.


The fall of the night elven people.


Amnesiac gladiator Akaerna-Sagai is more than she seems.

Rise of the Raptors[]

Rhonin marshals a new force for his Prophet.


The rise and demise of the Empire of the Five Hammers.

Light Goes Out[]

The largest pocket of Lightist resistance is hunted by the Scarlet Crusade.

Tides of Blood[]

Attuma Periandrius rules the open seas with an iron fist, but faces a threat from below.


Alonsus Faol discovers a dark, long lost power.

Alone Ranger[]

Nathanos Marris' path to becoming a ranger was not an easy one.


Dick Cipher had always been a rebel.

Rise of the Horde[]

On Draenor, the orcs are change forever by the interference of a being from beyond.

Twilight of the Aspects[]

The Prophet's quest to remove all obstacles from his way leads him to conflict with the dragonflights.

Dragon Soul[]

The Old Gods have their own designs for Azeroth, and the Prophet is not a part of them. They call upon their greatest servants to destroy him.


The Prophet turns his attention to a forgotten continent, shrouded in mist.
